Albert P
I used zip ties too. String is just cheaper and allows a bit more creative applications, eg., slings, supports, or just simple tie offs, rather than looping/stringing the nylon ties together... and it's less abrasive on the cord and rack, if things need to be slid about.
In fact I got pointed to this idea from past rigging exp. in the service. Another sure fire way is to tie off the cord just behind the connectors shrink wrap, and then run the line in a loop towards the face of the component and secure the 'loop to one of the front footers' or both in a triangle sort of affair, underneath the component so as to hide the string mo betta. Violin! ...and all just for pennies!
I used zip ties too. String is just cheaper and allows a bit more creative applications, eg., slings, supports, or just simple tie offs, rather than looping/stringing the nylon ties together... and it's less abrasive on the cord and rack, if things need to be slid about.
In fact I got pointed to this idea from past rigging exp. in the service. Another sure fire way is to tie off the cord just behind the connectors shrink wrap, and then run the line in a loop towards the face of the component and secure the 'loop to one of the front footers' or both in a triangle sort of affair, underneath the component so as to hide the string mo betta. Violin! ...and all just for pennies!