Heavy Power Cords

Hello All:
Perhaps someone out there might have an answer for me. All my gear sport after market Power Cords. The issue is their weight. They tend to pull themselves out of the back of my amp and pre-amp. Does anyone know of some sort of a cable clip or stabalizer that addresses this issue.
Thanks In Advance/ DR Cervantes
Try wrapping the IEC in Teflon thread seal tape (aka, plumber's tape). Use enough to get a snug fit and it will keep the cord from sagging. I find it takes about 1.5 - 2 feet. It's easy to clean up if you want to remove it as there is no residue.
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Albert P

I used zip ties too. String is just cheaper and allows a bit more creative applications, eg., slings, supports, or just simple tie offs, rather than looping/stringing the nylon ties together... and it's less abrasive on the cord and rack, if things need to be slid about.

In fact I got pointed to this idea from past rigging exp. in the service. Another sure fire way is to tie off the cord just behind the connectors shrink wrap, and then run the line in a loop towards the face of the component and secure the 'loop to one of the front footers' or both in a triangle sort of affair, underneath the component so as to hide the string mo betta. Violin! ...and all just for pennies!
Teflon tape would I imagine be way better than electrical tape in terms of not leaving any goo, better heat resistance, and better "adjustability" since its so thin. The down side would be many more wraps and more patience necessary because its so thin. No free lunch.
Most after market powercords have Iec plug designed with interference fit in mind. They should work if you do plug once and forget about it. But I guess interference fit does 'wear out' over time.

Like the Fpeel's teflon tape idea the best.