Stringreen: I've considered anti-cables and will have another look.
Clio09: I've seen Grover mentioned frequently but I didn't know Decware offered cables. Mmmm...
Mural: 3 mils ribbon. I assume the 12 gauge refers to total cross section in the ribbon case so your cables must be wide-ish, which is not a problem. Your ribbon source?
Yesterday I installed 15" lengths of RG-8x, single lengths per channel and I think it may best everything else.
Obviously I'll have to try multiple commercial offerings and hope for a return policy. I've exhuasted DIY alternatives except ribbon.
I wonder how Al foil would sound? Probably ghastly.
Finally, what do you guys think about short vs long for monoblocks? Convention holds that shorter is better for SCs and ICs, but in this case long SCs allow for shorter ICs, which may be more critical. Not sure.
Clio09: I've seen Grover mentioned frequently but I didn't know Decware offered cables. Mmmm...
Mural: 3 mils ribbon. I assume the 12 gauge refers to total cross section in the ribbon case so your cables must be wide-ish, which is not a problem. Your ribbon source?
Yesterday I installed 15" lengths of RG-8x, single lengths per channel and I think it may best everything else.
Obviously I'll have to try multiple commercial offerings and hope for a return policy. I've exhuasted DIY alternatives except ribbon.
I wonder how Al foil would sound? Probably ghastly.
Finally, what do you guys think about short vs long for monoblocks? Convention holds that shorter is better for SCs and ICs, but in this case long SCs allow for shorter ICs, which may be more critical. Not sure.