Why gold?

What is the big deal about coating your connectors with gold or silver?

I just bought a Yamaha M-40 amp that has a clean pair of steel RCA connectors. Am I missing out on some sonic advantages of Gold or Silver lining?
It is expensive but totally unnecessary. Don't worry you are not missing out. Perhaps you may need to clean you connections more often or give the RCA jacks a a twist now and then to ensure a good connection but that is about it. FWIW: It is rare to see gold XLR connectors - so the recorded music you listen to was probably made using ordinary connectors.
Expensive? Unnecessary? Really? Gold has a warmer sound, silver more air and detail- all things considered. Of course there are more to the balance of cables and connectors then just "gold" and "silver" but all things equal (the exact same RCA or Wall Plug) the gold "item" will sound warmer while the silver will sound more open and airy.
Rare on XLRs? Only if one purchases the cheapest out there. Even my least expensive(Mogami) studio/mic cables' Neutrik XLRs are gold plated. All of the Kimber/Audioquest/Silver Audio balanced products I've owned have been terminated with gold or silver-plated Switchcraft XLRs(now the KS-1130s). I don't know where people get the idea that studios use cheap cables. I suppose it's because they never get to any quality recording venues, and/or have never seen what they actually use. Note what this studio says about using "high quality metals" at connection points, and realize that the plating(usually nickel) on inexpensive RCA/XLR connectors is ANYTHING BUT quality, or a good conductor: (http://denverrecordingstudioblog.com/2009/02/02/blogroll/the-benefits-of-using-good-quality-cables-in-your-recording-studio/) On this chart, you'll find that nickel has 25%(IACS) of the conductivity of the reference, annealed copper: (http://www.eddy-current.com/condres.htm)