thin, very flexible, warm sounding interconnect...

...that is not too fragile and won't break the bank (say less than $600 for a 1 M XLR pair).

Any thoughts? I am exploring a number of solid silver braided/unshielded interconnects. But I'm wondering if these all won't sound a bit on the lean side of things.

Your thoughts (as always) most appreciated.
You should check out DNM solid core cables. Fellow Agon member Guych loaned me a pair of their balanced cables. They sound like just what you're looking for. Very flexible, wonderful sound, seem sturdy to me. Not as sturdy feeling as my MIT EXP Prolines, but I may prefer their sound.
Pure Note Alluvion. Flexible, strong, carbon fiber shield about 1/4" in diameter, excellent connectors. Very musical, neutral, and no edge. In your price range.