2 interconnects or y-cable?

have a 2.1 channel system for music. I will be connecting my subwoofer to a two channel analog pre-amp. Would it be better to run two interconnects into the subwoofer (about 8 feet of distance) or should I use a y-cable at the pre-amp and a dedicated subwoofer cable. I have a Harmonic Technology subwoofer cable which is mono at the pre-amp end (designed for a pre/pro) and has a built in Y at the subwoofer end. My sub has "L" and "R" inputs, but nothing else gets connected to the sub.


Either way. BTW, despite labels, there's no such thing as a "dedicated subwoofer cable."

If the question is;

1. you are taking both left and right outputs from your preamp and then summing them together using several Y's.
that is not a good idea.

If the question is;

2. taking just one output and using a Y to connect a subwoofer cable that would be alright.
Except, the stereo sound may be off balance since one output would be feeding 2 amps.I also dont like that idea.