anyone else hate locking RCAs?

I find that whenever I tighten a locking RCA connector even a little bit, it becomes a battle (and one that I fear will result in casulties -- the rca connectors, the cable, the rca inptus). Lately, I find myself unwilling to tighten them at all. And then the barrels are always falling off and getting lost. Just give me a nice regular connector any day.
Agree with Jtwrace, the locking RCA's on the DH Labs Air Matrix work extremely well.
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I agree with Kal that XLRs are the way to go. I use them whenever there is the option to do so. The superior connector IMHO.
I agree, they are a real pain. Bdgregory has the good point that even when they do work as intended , getting them off from a crowded Preamp is a real stuggle.
One question for those who like the Eichmann bullets. Do you have any issues w the single pin grounding arrangement? APL warns that there could be problems using those w the WBT Nextgen RCA jacks.