anyone else hate locking RCAs?

I find that whenever I tighten a locking RCA connector even a little bit, it becomes a battle (and one that I fear will result in casulties -- the rca connectors, the cable, the rca inptus). Lately, I find myself unwilling to tighten them at all. And then the barrels are always falling off and getting lost. Just give me a nice regular connector any day.
I have no problem with the Transparent or the MIT's I've tried. Maybe you're tightening them too much? They only require a very slight pressure to lock, and a minimal turn to unlock.
I dislike RCAs and friction-fit connectors, in general. That is why I use balanced XLRs as much as possible. Clicks in positively. Push release and pull out. EZ.

Agree with Jtwrace, the locking RCA's on the DH Labs Air Matrix work extremely well.
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I agree with Kal that XLRs are the way to go. I use them whenever there is the option to do so. The superior connector IMHO.