Anyone using Speltz Anti cables XLRs

I was looking for some opinions on the his balanced ICs. It looks like there are only 2 conducters. I thought xlrs used 3.
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I have them between my preamp and amp. I think they are a steal. I have compared several brands and the anti's always come out on top.
Anyone use Speltz Anti cable XLRs between source and preamp and care to share their thoughts on them?
I've got some and used them for a long while. After hearing Teo cables but baulking at the price I went on a mission to find something that out performed the Anticable XLRs and did most of what the Teos do. I came up short, the only cable I came across that offered a little more than the Anticable in my system was a top of the range Siltech at mega money and the owner admitted he'd struggle to pick between them blind.

None of the midprice options (and still expensive)like Supra/Siltech/Audio Note offered the transparency of the Anticables. Theres plenty of good stuff out there but the the Anticable offer is genuinely good compared to very expensive cables ime

No....the balanced cable is 3 conductor....look at the spiral around the red coil. I am using the silver version... a bit better in the highs than the copper. I have copper ones if anyone needs any....1/2 price.