Good USED Speaker Cable Choices for $300-$500 ?

With SO MANY Cables out there where do you start?

I am looking to create a warm "Brit" sound that is
polite yet rises to the occasion with punch when
called upon. Maybe a little rounded on the details
in favor of musicality and general warmth. (to me
warmth is the same as saying slightly dark)

My suspects for good (USED) 5-6 foot speaker cables are:

Analysis Plus Oval 9
Purist Audio Aqueous

What seems to be the best bang for the buck Speaker
Cables out there USED in the $300-$500 price range
which might promote the kind of sound characteristics
I describe??

I agree w/the Cardas recommendation & suggest the Cross. It sometimes gets overlooked because it isn't high priced but they do a very good job.
There is not a worse cable - either interconnect, speaker, or power cable than Cardas on my system. I tried all of them and found the best to be Anti-Cables in my system. It is very important to listen to each cable in your own system and evaluate the performance.
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