PS Audio Equipment???

PS Audio has a ton of different gear to potentially help the rest of my own gear in different ways. My question is what to go with? They have the Power Ports, Ultimate Outlet, Juice Bar, Duet, Quintet, P-300,P-500,P-600,P-1000,P-1200, etc, etc. Is there a combination that works better then others? I have mainly Arcam and Aragon equipment. Also, what should I plug my two Aragon 8008 amps into? I currently have a older Transparent Ultra Bank conditioner and a Monster AVS2000 Voltage Stabilzer. Do I stick with these or go with something else? Any opinions is appreciated. Thanks
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I directly compared my Monster strip to a PS Audio Quintet in my system, and I did not like what the Quintet did to the sound, either. Greatly reduced dynamics and soundstage, and instrumental timbres were not resolved nearly as well. The Monster stayed in my system. I would probably just plug in to the wall if it weren't for the fact that I live in an area that experiences bad thunderstorms, so I want the surge protection.
For the amps go directly into dedicated wall outlets,Power Port Premier [2]
Get at least 1 Power Plant Premier for ac REGENERATION, not just "conditioning!"
Careful to put analog with analog and digital with digital in the plug in spheres...

You will also need a neutral ac cable for the Premier as well...

Good Luck!
I initially thought my duet reduced clarity and dynamics, but once it broke in (after 5-7 days), I found it to be very transparent, and cost effective.