Acoustic Zen Satori VS Analysis Plus Oval 9

Would someone who has compared these 2 very popular
speaker cables be so kind as to share their impressions
as to how they differ in sound?

I did a search on Satori and Oval 9 here and it came
up kind of lite.

I know cables sound different depending on the gear
they are connected to but some general comments from
someone who has done a shoot-out would be very helpful
to me..

Thanks in advance..

So it sounds like the Oval 9 is great for bass but
looses out to the Satori in all other aspects.

From with I would assume the Satori sounds more "alive"
and tuneful...?
Satori - according to reviews has a little fuller lower midrange. It was perfect for my lean class D amp. Bass is strong and well controlled.
I have have Adagios breaking in and the bass seems
a little leaner than what I am used to.

I ordered some Analysis Plus Oval 9s based on the
above comments. I want to make the bass stronger
and I don't want to give up any dynamic impact.
And I want to impart as much warmth as possible.

Should I try Satori (or even the Hologram)also or do
the Ovals 9s win on all 3 qualities that I need more of:
Bass, Dynamics, Warmth...??

I'd rather prevent buying and reselling if the cables
are have no chance of furthering these 3 qualities over
the oval 9s.

I've had my Adagios for almost 2 years and have used the Oval 9s for most of that time with very pleasing results. The bass is very well presented while being quite tight. They are excellent cables in their price range.

However, over the past year I converted all of my IC's to single crystal copper cables. I definitely liked the improved resolution they imparted while extending both ends of the frequency spectrum. Imaging, soundstage and particularly the smoothness of the sound (organic quality?) was geatly enhanced over my various copper and copper/silver IC's.

Those improvements led me to try the OCC copper AZ Santori. They provided the same type of sound improvement the IC changes did, only to a much greater extent. I guess the speaker cables have a greater impact on the sound then the IC's, at least in my limited experience. I don't see myself returning to non-single crystal copper. But I have also purchased the relatively inexpensive Belkin 14 gauge OCC copper speaker cables just to see how they would stack-up. I am amazed at how good they too sound! They are almost as good as the Santori(maybe not quite as powerful in the bass due to their lighter gauge). They exhibit the same great sound characteristics that I belive is inherent with single crystal copper. My suggestion would be to go with the OCC cables. But the prudent thing to do would be to compare the two and make up your own mind. You can get an 8' Belkin pair delivered for less about $55 via Amazon - maybe less elswhere.

