Regarding my old Vandersteen Model 3 speakers, I am close to opting on a custom bi-wire cable configuration of (Kimber 12TC - for the bottom end) and (Kimber 8TC - for the high). However, ... with a very limited budget doubt tends to linger in the back of my mind, could I get more "bang for the buck" by giving up entirely on the notion of bi-wiring?
I could use the money I have for this project on a single pair of higher quality cables rather than incurring the added expense of two sets of cables per side, as in the bi-wire configuration. Are the sonic benefits of bi-wiring worth the added expense for the Vandersteen Model 3 speakers?
Perhaps a single pair of say Analysis Plus Oval 9s or AZ Satori speaker cables would deliver superior sound when compared with, shall we say lesser quality bi-wired speaker cables.
Let me know your thoughts on this issue and if you have other speaker cable recommendations, configuration options and/or specific manufacturers that I should consider. The manufacturers I have looked at thus far are (Kimber Kable, Anti-Cables, Synergistic Research, Analysis Plus, and Acoustic Zen).
I did receive the following advice regarding the Acoustic Zen speaker cables:
"Acoustic Zen does make some fine cables, but should not be on the short list for Vandersteen's. They tend to be just a bit unfocused and soft in the highs, and a bit pitch indefinite in the bass."
This came from a retailer so I am not sure how much credence to give it. Do you concur with this assessment? I use Acoustic Zen interconnects and digital cables extensively in my system and I love them. I very much appreciate your valued input.