speakers to audition with pass labs / PAD cabling

My system today is composed of pass labs xa30.5 amp and x1 pre amp and Tannot D700 speakers. All interconnect cabling is PAD Venustas (luminist rev). All power cabling is also PAD. Have LE to amp, and Canorus to pre. I'm thinking of trying some new speakers. I don't listen to music loud (mainly 8 - 10) on volume (out of 26). My music varies to everything but country ... sorry... lol
So i've noticed that my tannoy's seem harsh on top end, and would like a little more slam on low end.

Friend has Wilson Sophia's and loved them. Also liked magnepan, but not sure amp can power 3.7's.

price range target between 5-8k 2nd hand.

Anyways... thoughts.
MIT is fully useless with Pass Labs. This is very easy to explain. The stage properties of Pass Labs is that the stage is wide and deep. But withing the big stage the individual focus of instruments is not sharp and realistic as it should be. So you need cables to adjust this. MIT have similar properties according to the stage.

In all the years that I visited a show often Pass Labs demos with MIT has nothing to do with realistic music. During a show I asked the person ( F. mongol) if Jacintha has a head of over 3 metres. So I asked him if she has a water head.

Audio is all about understanding music and each different property a tool owns. Because when you are not aware of these properties you never will understand what each tool does in your set!
The .8 series have a more intimate sound like the .5 series. So they created a more realistic stage like before.
I do use the limited direct into xa30.5 and yes its a huge diff. I think I remember you pointing me to demo PAD vs Siltech.. etc and they turned me into redoing my whole system. What would you suggest speaker wise for xa30.5
I would have loved to be standing there when you asked the Pass Labs person if the singer had a water head.
Pass Labs, of course, does know quite a bit about audio.
Hahahahaha....noooo this was the distributor of Pass. I have had many emails about this issue with Desmond from Pass labs. He is the one who creates their pre amps.

These problems are made on political choices. Pass labs often cannot change these limitations that easy. But they are aware that the endresult will be a lot lower.