
Responses from fsyme

oppo 105d mod or look for a new cd player ?
So.. I went up to cities and took my oppo 105D for some comparisons.I listened to esoteric K07 and Ayre CX7. The oppo seemed a wee bit forward .. but overall I was surprised how good it actually is. Based on this.. I think i'll keep the 105. Its a... 
oppo 105d mod or look for a new cd player ?
Hi.. guys.. sorry been on a unexpected business trip. I'll read through and probe via questions. Tks in advance... 
speakers to audition with pass labs / PAD cabling
Tks all for advise.. I appreciate your time and efforts. 
speakers to audition with pass labs / PAD cabling
Cables.. not changing.. and I do love their sound. 
speakers to audition with pass labs / PAD cabling
Yes live in USA. I demo'd Transparent, Discovery, PAD, Silent Source cabling.. and by far loved PAD. It just sounds as close to real for me.. 
speakers to audition with pass labs / PAD cabling
Tks.. will check them out. 
speakers to audition with pass labs / PAD cabling
Room is 20 x 15. Vandersteen was mentioned above.. and will try check them out. So far Vandersteen, Focal and Harbeth on list to demo. Other ideas are Avalon, Legacy, Dynaudio ? Legacy has sens around 95.. but also ohms drop to around 3 in low fre... 
speakers to audition with pass labs / PAD cabling
speakers to audition with pass labs / PAD cabling
I do use the limited direct into xa30.5 and yes its a huge diff. I think I remember you pointing me to demo PAD vs Siltech.. etc and they turned me into redoing my whole system. What would you suggest speaker wise for xa30.5 
speakers to audition with pass labs / PAD cabling
would never have thought xa30.5 vs x250.5.. as many have said Wilson's need power. That said.. will give them a try. I'll see whats around Harbeth in Minneapolis.Tks both for suggestions. 
speakers to audition with pass labs / PAD cabling
Yes.. those are on my list. Just need to find a place to demo. 
speakers to audition with pass labs / PAD cabling
Never heard of them.. but will look them up. Tks for thoughts. 
Purist Audio Power Cables
so Back to my question .. the PAD AC box or not. The question is would teh LE bring enough to help all 3 using the box, or would box remove any gains. Thats the question.. 
Purist Audio Power Cables
I have to agree... they completely changed my system. My goal is to get everything out of what i have. I've heard PAD LE is amazing... i guess demo is only way to go.. thecableco here i come.. 
Views on Siltech cables with Pass Labs Pre/Power
Trying all canorus on everything now.. for couple of days.. to adjust sound.. then will retry all venustas. Maybe its cos i'm missing the separation at first.. maybe head adjustment required.. lol