Any users of Teresonic Clarison speaker cables?

I am in the process of upgrading my speaker cables from Xindak FS-2 (with xindak jumpers) and looking at several options. Recently auditioned Auditorium 23 which were very musical yet detailed.

Also came across a few review of Teresonic Clarison describing them very favourably. I will not be able to audition the Clarison cables so looking for feedback from real users out there would like to share.

Many thanks

The silver or 24K gold are both outstanding, better IMHO then the Nordost Vahalla's.
I believe that Beatster was asking about Teresonic's Clarison speaker cables, not their silver or gold interconnects.
I recently acquired a pair these speaker cables and they are simply outstanding with my Reynaud Offrande Supreme v2 speakers. They have significantly improved treble presence and clarity as well as bass definition and slam. Mid-range was and continues to be excellent. Resolution and PRAT are both great too!
Well, I'm thinking Beatster has probably figured out his speaker cable question in the past three years, but I'm going to respond anyway, because, like Jack Roberts on his audio website I don't know if I can name so I won't, I cannot believe these cables haven't gotten more of a buzz. I bought them a couple of weeks ago. They take all of ten hours to break in. They are separate runs for positive and negative, so you get four cables. I like the concept. Anyway, I've been at this forty years, and I'm a bit of a cable junkie. I've used at least two dozen different cables over long periods of time, many more expensive than this, many less expensive. But none better. Dead quiet. Wonderful harmonic structure. Fast, focused, huge stage, and a lack of electronic "tizziness" that I aim for in my system in all of my gear. Hard to do without throwing out treble detail, but these do it, and everything else, really well. I have no affiliation with these people and don't care if you try them...except, you should! Heck, it's a money back deal so what's the problem? They don't work in your system (and we all know that could be the case) you ship 'em back. I don't write a ton of reviews, but these things hit me as a spectacular value in audio, and I was just enthused enough about them to want to try to get the word out.
I agree with Greenink. Great speaker cables.

Silver interconnects were a little two much in the main system but transformed my older/darker bedroom system.