Another DAC bits and Hz question

For redbook CDs only, why use a DAC greater than 16/44.1 for two-channel?

Redbook CDs are my only source of music in a two-channel system. I use the Oppo 980H because of its video capability and the fact that it is a multi functional player (DVDs for my children and CDs for me). I don’t stream music and I don’t have a blu ray player. From a music playback perspective, I think I’m pretty safe in saying that the source material is 16 / 44.1.

Part of the reason I ask this question is because of the comparison of older DACs to newer ones. My hypothesis is that yesterday’s top DACs will perform just as well for me (given my source material at a bit perfect rate) as today’s DACs. While this might not be true for everyone, I think it might be true for me. Years ago I had a Monarchy Audio DAC in my system. Foolishly, I sold it. If I don't need USB and 24/96, I think I'd rather purchase an older DAC if sound quality isn't sacrificed.

Is my hypothesis reasonable? Or do the newer DACs extract the musical data better today regardless of the bits and Hz perhaps due to better re-clocking or algorithms?

I posted this question over on computeraudiophile, but I think it was the wrong location since I don't stream music or use a computer as the source.
I believe, and I could be wrong, that many of the older DACs can offer a great value/$$$ over newer ones for redbook CD playback. Even if using a computer to playback AIFF or WAV files, provided a USB/SPDIF converter is used.
" Otherwise, use a NOS older DAC based on the Philips or BB chips, ie; PCM1704."

Steve, My Esoteric SACD player (UX-3) has the 1704 dac chips. Am I sacrificing anything by not going with a cd player that uses the newer AK dac chips? I really like what I have, but sometimes I feel the highs aren't quite as sharp as I would like. I am using a Kimber silver streak cable from the cd player to the preamp and the silver wire seemed to help a little. Your thoughts?
See ... I told you I am not digital wise. Stereo5 ... what is the AK chip? How does it compare to the BB chips?
Bif - the PCM1792 is not a new chip. There are newer BB chips that are better, more detailed with lower noise.

Stereo5 - the PCM1704 is a very musical chip, however the detail will always be less and the noise higher than newer technologies. However, I would not recommend to replace it with a player with AKM chips. These sound very unnatural to me. Probably due to the switched capacitor techniques. The AD and BB chips are better. Some like the Wolfson, but I am not familiar with that sound. The Sabre chips can be good, but only if used direct with I2S. If you like the 1704 like I do, then I would highly recommend getting a source with lower jitter to give more detail. 50% of your detail is being lost now because of jitter and the other 50% because of the D/A chip. A reclocker like the Synchro-Mesh can deliver this.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
"Is my hypothesis reasonable? Or do the newer DACs extract the musical data better today regardless of the bits and Hz perhaps due to better re-clocking or algorithms?

I posted this question over on computeraudiophile, but I think it was the wrong location since I don't stream music or use a computer as the source."

I think you'll be able to work the digital aspect out, whatever you decide to do. In my opinion, I think the biggest mistake people are making today when buying digital products is overlooking the analog section. Just as an example, a brand that I like very much overall is Ayre. A lot of the Ayre house sound that their amps and preamps share carry over to their DAC's and CD players because of how the analog section is designed. If you took just the digital portion of one of their sources and gave it to another company to design the analog section, you would most likely have a very different sounding product.

I think your instincts are right on CA. I have no idea what those people over there are trying to do. Its just one big never ending argument.