Can we objectively rate speaker cables?

I'd like to generate discussion to compile some sort of chart that compares cable attributes. I realize that cable attributes will vary by system, but I would think that in the same system, certain generalizations can be made. For example, I think many would agree that copper is generally warmer than silver. That said, I propose the following categories. Feel free to add categories to make this a mutually-exclusive, collectively-exhaustive list and/or offer ratings for cables you've auditioned.

A. analytical/detailed (1) - warm (10)
B. closed soundstage (1) - open soundstage (10)
C. slow (1) - fast (10)
Interesting discussion, however, not much movement towards a consensus. I suppose this is to be expected as we don't live my a hive social structure.

Why not use Rova's criteria/definitions, mash it up with the scaling Nasaman employed. We all know it's all going to be quite subjective. But, if we first state the cables being evaluated, include a list of the components/brands in each rig, throw in a little something about our listening spaces, whether a glass cube, anechoic chamber, or somewhere in between, we'd at least get off the starting blocks. Of course initially there'll be lots of noise in the stats, but after a while, patterns will emerge, perhaps provding some useful insight...or not. What we take away from this excersize will be at the discretion of the reader.

There are no absolutes, and as long as we can accept that, then this can be informative, fun, and encourage further spirited debate..

That being said, i'll take the cowardly route, and opt out of participating initially, as I don't yet trust my instincts. But from what i've read from others over the past few months, there are more than a few, whose opinions I would trust.
I rated cables thru my system. They will SOUND diff in yours, but I can bet my life that the Nordost Valhalla will sound more DETAIL and forward than the (modified) extension cord from Home Depot IF YOU COMPARE THEM in YOUR system. And this is all the O.P's intension, I hope.
If few of us (and myself) are so much into technical and accuracy, it'd take alot of time to test them out and that I'd understand why you woulnd't want to constribute. But, C'mon, life isn't all that complicated...
What Rodman99999 said (X4)! I love this game, let's keep playing...Huh huh huh huh (said with childlike abandonment in my best Patrick Star voice) =:O )

That would require quantitative measurements that I do not think exist.

We can offer subjective opinions though.