Powerline Ethernet - Does it affect A/C noise?

So I'm thinking about installing some Powerline Ethernet network bridges so I can get to some hard-to-reach places in my house. I was wondering if anybody had experience with this and how it affects A/C noise...does it make any audible difference with audio equipment? I would hate to counteract all the goodness that my Shunyata Pythons do with powerline ethernet stuff.

Any ideas? Any experience?
Funny this thread got revived. At the time I wrote this, I drilled a hole in the wall and put plates and jacks on either side so it looks professional. In late 2011, I added a powerline setup to bridge the network into my bedroom. Both units are on separate parts of the breaker from my stereo and I have had no problems. The speed is great, too. Well enough to stream 1080p videos to my TV in the bedroom from my server. They are the Netgear Powerline 500 units.
I use Netgear Powerline AV+ adaptors for my Meridian Digital Media System with flawless results. No noise at all as it has a built in filter. Also, the frequency with which these devices operate is so high that it's not going to interfere with the 50-60 Hz cycle of your AC.
Here's the Netgear adaptor review:

I'm getting AC line noise with my Netfear Powerline 2000 model as well coming thru my high system.   You It emanates through my loudspeakers as a light uneven static.