Best cable for Jumpers

Hello all;
This is my first post and would like to start giving my compliments to everyone.
I am asking for an advice about the best cable to make two pairs of jumpers for my B&W speakers. I don’t like the original ones and besides I loss it. I wave a Transparent Super MM single wire. I am not sure but I think transparent doesn’t sell cable without termination and I am sure that buy a set´s of terminated jumpers will cost a fortune. Since I can do it by myself, what cable do you recommend?
Please don't be cheap and stupid...if you have Transparent cables and B&W speakers then get a pair of jumpers from them. t the very least, call Robert Stein at the Cable Company and ask him for a recommendation on a used pair if necessary:O)
Try a good grade of silver wire and see what you think, They are not hard to make.
Try this...

I have been using bare cables at the speaker ends on a second system. I have stripped 2 inches of the cable sleeve to show a bare 2 inch wire....then run them trough the first binding post at the bottom and on to the upper one. And voilà. Free jumper that is at least the equal of whatever cable you are using, and better than most stock jumpers out there. Of course this will appeal to the ''bare wire'' community only. Good luck.