Interconnects for Rotel.

System is Rotel 1069 pre/1075 amp/rcd-1072 cdp and B&W 683's mains.Looking for a reasonably priced set of interconnects for cdp to pre/amp.Currently all interconnects are monoprice.I have a set of Monster interconnects and while they do sound good I notice that voices seem to be further in the background than with the monoprice cables but the monoprice are very bright.The Monster ones are really nice if there was no voices.Any suggestions..looking for detailed and not bright.Thanks.
Hi Shaun - conventional wisdom is to use van den Hul interconnects( 1st Ultimate or D102 III) with Rotel electronics. For whatever reason, these cables seem to have good synergy with this equipment. Good Luck!
Called the cable company and asked for a suggestions for a good used interconnect.Joe recommended that in my budget and with B&W speakers and Rotel gear that I get a Synergistic Research Kaleidoscope Phase2 active interconnect.He said he has recommended this cable to a lot of B&W /Rotel and the buyers have been very pleased with this cable.So I ordered one and will see how it goes.Any thought on this interconnect?
I tell you, you can get a set of the Kimber Hero's right now for a song and they are a great little interconnect that you will most likely really enjoy. Some really good deals on used ones here on the Gon right now.

Blue Jeans makes a great product. However, I found their cables + the brightness of the Rotel (I had a 1062 integrated) to be not to my taste. I found happiness with Discovery Signature IC's.
I just put two pairs of Nordost Blue Heavens in my system and they sound great. They are used, but I'm not finding them bright at all, so you might want to try burning them in for a few days before taking them back. System is a Rotel pre and PA and Cambridge CD.