ASI Liveline...Burn-In Experience

Hello Friends,
I just bought a pair of ASI Liveline interconnects. It has done just about 10 hours. While its very detailed and tonally rich but I find the sound to be a bit forward and the background is not very clean. Is it because its not burnt in ? Would like to know from other ASI users, how their cables behaved when new and after burn in ?
Also typically what would be the adequate hours the cable should undergo to burn in ?

I cannot imagine a cable thats so well reviewed and accepted and in fact a giant killer to have a sound that is not clean. Kindly share opinion on this cable.
The background will clean up nicely. I find them more lively and forward sounding than other cables, but all told they are excellent. Give them some more time.
Why do you only have 10 hours on them? Leave your stereo running 24 hours a day and you'll have the hours in no time.
I have broken in and am using a balanced pair and an RCA pair of the interconnects. In my system I saw the same characteristics for both. Initially they were tonally correct, but restricted on the bottom end. At about 100 hours the bottom end was there, but the sound was slightly congested. At 150 hours they click into place with small gradual improvement there after.
Guys, your replies are definitely encouraging. Yea, I will wait till it approaches 150 hours.
But I am curious to know, do you guys find the sound to be a bit forward (even after burn-in) ? In my system, with ASI plugged in I find as if I have moved 3-4 rows ahead. I also compared it to an Audio Magic Sorcerer 4D (which was burnt in fully) and it was clear that compared to AM, the ASI was definitely forward. I do not know whether this will settle down or will it stay that guys would be in a better position to tell that.

I am also planning to buy a Digital cable...I have ASI in mind but in case that also is a forward sounding cable then it may be too much for my room. Have any of you guys tried their digital cable ?
I would recommend waiting until the 150 hour point to make your decision. You should have a good idea by then if it's what you are looking for. For me personally, in my system, this cable has made an emotional connection unlike anything I have heard to date. Enough so that I pulled the trigger to purchase the speaker cable tonight. But that is me in my system. You need to make the call if it is what YOU are looking for in YOUR system. Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with LiveLine. I'm just a very satisfied customer.