Why don't gold based cable fans try Synergistic

I am looking to try new cables and have been reading the archives in cable forums on all the great cable recommendations. I'm trying to get a handle on how the Synergistic Tesla range that I once owned compare to the gold based cable offerings.

However for some strange reason hardly any of the members here who seem to have tried the various gold based faves (Gabriel Gold, Jade, KCI, Purist and others) have not been tempted to try the popular Synergistic cables and not much here in the way of comparisons. I am not sure why but there seems to be two camps.

Anyways hoping to get a comparison as I had the Tesla Accelerators in my system for a short while and wonder if the gold based cables have the same naturalness, depth of soundstage, air and separation of the Teslas. I should add that as good as the Accelerators were sound wise I did not like the idea of introducing more electricity into my system with the active shielding hence looking for comparable alternatives.
I'm currently using Gabriel Gold Raptures between my preamp and amp. Before that, I was using Synergistic's Precision Reference. Both are excellent cables, but they performed differently in my system.

The Synergistic cables were wonderfully detailed, dynamic, and quiet. But in my system, they were a little harmonically thin. So I tried the Gabriel Gold Revelation Mk1's as an experiment. Harmonic thinness gone, but so was some of the detail and dynamics of the Synergistic cables. So I upgraded from the GG Revelations to the GG Raptures. That achieved the right balance of attributes in my system.

No, the GG Raptures are not quite as detailed, dynamic, or quiet as the Synergistic Precision Reference, but they are pretty close, and the harmonics are fuller and more natural in my system. Hope that helps!
Thanks for the comparison. I also found that in my system there was a general neutral tone of the Accelerators. Some say lack of tone change is a good thing. For me I actually don't mind adding just a little something between the DAC and preamp hence my curiousity with gold (and this is even using a non-os tube based DAC).

Having said that as I mentioned previously when I had the Accelerators I really enjoyed the the naturalness conveyed, air between instruments and the freaky depth portrayal. So, still wondering if any of the gold based cables can equal the SR Teslas in these areas or is their main attribute more focused on providing a "golden glow".
Frankk, I have only experienced one "golden glow". The one pictured over the Lord's head.
Frankk - To my ears, the GG Raptures don't have a "golden glow." Perhaps the GG Revelation Mk1's that I used briefly could be described that way, but the Raptures sound quite transparent to me. Good luck.
If the Raptures were a little less money then I would give them a try. Unfortunately they are in the same price range as the SR.

I do like the harmonic richness aspect that I also found to be lacking in the SR.Any other suggestions for IC's below $600 used that add a litlle of this harmonic richness along with a big soundstage (I hate cables that diminish soundstage)?