How to keep ic's and power cords from touching

I have a 5 shelf high mapleshade rack that sits about two feet from a back wall. The problem that I am facing has to do with my pairs of interconnects and powercords touching one another in the back of the rack. I know that this is a big no-no when it comes to acheiving the best sound. What suggestions or recommendations of devices that will help me fix this issue. Has anyone used the shunyata dark field cable elevators or a similar product to separate cables and cords? Thanks in advance for your help.
Go to hardware store & get small diameter pipe insulation. You can cut small lengths w/scissors & slip over cable where touching. Doesn't add any weight. I use a combination of misc. pieces of foam to separate cables.

To keep cables off the floor, I use small terra cotta pots w/a piece of self adhesive foam on top.
Cable elevators sold by audio companies are just bullshit, keep your money for records and just use any piece of foam or wood you will find.
My 2cts.
Personally, my experiences with elevating cables have been two-fold:

If you are not careful in elevating the cables correctly, there is a chance of increasing the potential anomalies that could arise from introducing interference. What I mean by this is that depending on your flooring, you have to choose the correct material that the elevators are made of. Ceramic based elevators work the best with wood flooring due to the differences in resonant frequencies. Do not use wood-on-wood elevators. I have found that any microphonics that the cable is picking up will undoubtedly be increase. That’s a big no-no.

If using carpeting, my preference would be some form of open cell foam elevators. The lightweight nature of the foam will allow for further decoupling from the floor and aid in rejecting vibration that could and will induce microphonics into the cable. Personally, I use neither. I tend to twist-tie all the cables together, as tight as possible. This adds mass to the overall cable ensemble, which in my specific case, further anchors my components to their respected platforms, and keeps any and all possible vibrations from entering the system. Of course, my entire rack is suspended in mid air, from the ceiling. Good luck in your endeavors. Cheers

You just broke the most sacred law in high-end-audio-forum-thread-response-remarks. You definitively stated your opinion about a product without trying to appeal to the majority who participate in the art of audiophile voodoo. I foresee that you just eliminated yourself from having a "non-threatening" je ne sais qua persona that many of us here try to hold on to. You undoubtedly will be on your own now.

Just take a thin flat sheet of plywood and screw j-hooks into it and loop the slack through them. It's cheap and it works.
Small blocks made from hard wood work great. Dialing in a system, it's all in the details :)