What about Cardas Cord?

I have a need for a long (10ft) power cord to replace the stock cord on my Creek 5350SE, and have found an Original (blue/green) Cardas Cord that long for sale. Is it a good PC? I don't see many references to "Cord" , but to Golden Reference, and others. Can anyone help me make a decision?
Thanks, Brad
Ag insider logo xs@2xsteelman
You can get extended lengths of the Kaplan cords over at www.tweekgeek.com

Very nice cords for a reasonable price.
The PC is not what Cardas is special for and yes much too much. Kaplan is not exactly inexpensive either.
Avoid cord that are blue lightening red thunder SE magneto, ultra, super , silver gold or rare earth, liquid, amorphous any named geometry or algebra and super. Be sure that the normal Shucko have rare rose bush burl wood caps. Oh and watchout for the air dielectric only they are shocking.