MIT Shotgun Question.

I have shotgun S3 from cdp (rotel 1072)to rotel pre 1069(in bypass mode) to rotel 1075 amp.The setting from cdp to pre is set at high as pre input sensitivity is 100kohm.The setting in shotgun S3 is set at low for pre to amp as amp is 33kohm.
Does anyone using Mit interconnects stay with the recommended settings?Reason I ask is when I set the IC going from pre to amp everything is very clean and crisp but lacks in musicality and is very cold sounding.There is just no smoothness to the music.But if I set the IC to medium from pre to amp the sound stage opens up and though there is a slight loss of clarity everything sounds more rounded.smooth and open.
Could the specs on my amp be wrong?This is not just with music from cdp but with all sources.Tv,dvd,bluray.Any thoughts from MIT users would be appreciated.Thanks.
I agree,unless running MIT speaker cables your limiting your system.

Why would the MIT speaker cables limit my system?As of now I am using some overly priced thx Monster cables with the white jackets.For now my next upgrade is to replace my wall sockets with some sort of surge protection at the outlet.I talked to Joe today and he recommended some MIT Super something or other wall sockets.I looked at some on the MIT site but did not see anything mentioned about surge protection, only power filtering which I do not want.As of now my preamp and cdp are direct to wall with no protection.I live in the desert and even though have never had a power problem I have noticed tha APC limiting the power sometimes as when it is windy it will rise to around 130 volts.Do not know if that is a problem but want to be safe.
The in-wall Z stabilizer super outlet conditions and has surge will experience better sound and picture wt surge protection. Missioncoonery is saying that unless you are using MIT speaker cables, you are limiting your system.
The in-wall Z stabilizer super outlet conditions and has surge will experience better sound and picture wt surge protection. Missioncoonery is saying that unless you are using MIT speaker cables, you are limiting your system. it.Now if I get the super Z is it going to limit my power and color the sound?Thanks.
>>unless running MIT speaker cables your limiting your system

There's never a shortage of dumb posts and this is another good example.

Cables are listener and system dependent.

It's that simple.
Audiofeil is correct due to the variance of human preference regarding things audio. After listening to even more alternative cables over the last year however, I have still not heard a better cable than MIT... IMHO.