There is no hard and fast rule about maximum interconnect length, because it is highly dependent on both the output impedance of the preamp, and the capacitance of the interconnects. The lower the better in both cases.
If you choose interconnects with capacitance of say 20 or 30 or 40 picofarads per foot (pf/ft) or less, and if you have a preamp with an output impedance of say 100 or 200 ohms or less, you'll be fine. If both parameters are significantly higher than that, upper treble rolloff may result.
Also, the resistance of the path through the shield from one end to the other needs to be low, or 60Hz hum may result. Most quality cables should be adequate in that regard, but the only way to know for sure is to try it.
-- Al
If you choose interconnects with capacitance of say 20 or 30 or 40 picofarads per foot (pf/ft) or less, and if you have a preamp with an output impedance of say 100 or 200 ohms or less, you'll be fine. If both parameters are significantly higher than that, upper treble rolloff may result.
Also, the resistance of the path through the shield from one end to the other needs to be low, or 60Hz hum may result. Most quality cables should be adequate in that regard, but the only way to know for sure is to try it.
-- Al