How do I remove the female plug from Isoclean PC?

I have an Isoclean Super Focus power cord that I need to remove the female plug so that I can hard wire it to a Porter Port recepticle.

The plug has a covering with no screws visible, and I can not figure out how to remove this covering.

I've emailed Isoclean and asked for instructions on how to do this, but have not heard back from them.

You can see how the plugs have a covering over the plug and the screws in this picture:

Any help would be deeply appreciated.


No, I know that the male plug is showing, but I do mean the female plug, it's the same as far as the covering.

I've gone to a Topaz 5.0 Kva Ultra Isolation Transformer and am using the Isoclean Super Focus power cords (the special ones for their transformer) and wiring directly to the Isolation Transformer.

On the output side, I have to connect to a Wadia CD Player and Burmester Power Amp. It was suggested to me to remove the female connector and run those wires straight into my Porter Port.

This way I don't have to have an IEC Inlet wired to the Porter Port, removing two connections and one set of short wires from the system.

Does that make sense?

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I know how to wire the power cord to the recepticle once I get the plug off and can get to the wires, but thanks for your advice.

What I don't know how to do is get the female plug off of the power cord to get to the wires. The covering (or whatever it is) is the same on the female plug as you see on the male plug. No screws are showing, they're covered by the covering.
