other speaker cable, what to buy

My current speaker is 5meters long. I needed that length previous. However things have changed. Now 2*2m or 2*3m would be more then enough.

The speaker cable I have now is a Wireworld Atlantis 5. I was thinking of replacing it by a NBS dragon/fly. Before the Wireworld I hade Nordost Reddawn is I remember correctly. The nordost cable wasn't what I was looking for. I think they are not neutral but it is hard to explain what they do sound like. To my ears the Wireworld are more neutral.

My set:
VPI Scout
Lyra Dorian
Wadia 12
Symponic Line La musica
Impulse Aria SE speakers
Cardas Hexlink 5c interconnects
DAC has a NBS dragon/fly power cable, the rest are standard power cables.

I would prefer cables that are easily available in Europe and don't break the bank, I'm on a tight budget so I will only be looking at 2nd hand.
I am considering the SP4 myself.
Do you find the sound full-bodied in the midrange
Sp4 gives a big three dimensional presentation and has good weight in the mids. Not bloated or colored. Give them plenty of time to settle.
Lay the excess in a large loop. You may ultimately return to wider setup and then need the length. I doubt the change in length would be audible.
You should give Synergistic Research Tesla cables a try. Especially if you seek resolution and musicality with holographic soundstaging. I especially like the active models however I just got their Au79 and Magnetic Tricon IC's to compair in my office system.

First in is the Tricon IC. Right out of the box it's impressive and if it opens up and becomes smoother I've got a winner. So far it reminds me of Nordost cables I've had in the past but with more bass and a much richer mid-range and a more open sound stage.

Neither of these IC's are Active BTW.