Stealth Dream SC


I just ordered a pair of Dream speakercable, owning the Dream Petite at this moment.

Can't find much 'user information' on this Dream. So here's my classic and predictable question: anyone heard and/or compared this Dream SC already and wants to share his/her experience ?


Detlof, thanks for these 'soothing' words!

Chuck: I had the Sextet in the past (other systel setup), but sold it too soon... you know, symptom of audiopfilia nervosa... Will look for a Sextet to eveluate in my rig.

Received the Dream yesterday. First impressions are -as compared to the Dream Petite-: bigger soundstage, more detail, more 'stage'... Will report later on...
Could you say its night and day? I also use the petite and I am contemplating on whether the dream is really that much better!
After a few days I can say it is 'night and dawn'. The Petite isn't bad ofcourse, but the Dream seems like the mature version of it. Let me put it this way: the Dream betters the Petite as the Petite bettered the MLT (which I had in the first place). I know it is a lot of money, but with trading in my Petite I got a very nice deal from my Stealth dealer. I can underscore the statement that a good cable - like the Dream- equals a component upgrade. By the way: the Dream is a much thicker cable...