Purist Audio : Proteus Provectus speaker cable


Has anybody heard this cable? What is it's character?
Thank you.
Copper doesn't have a "sound".

The old wives' tale that copper has a soft sound and silver has a hard sound is perpetuated by those who don't listen enough but read too much.

There are many examples of detailed/hard sounding copper cables and lush/soft sounding silver cables.

The overall soncis are determined far more by the cable geometry, dielectric, and conductor purity than conductor itself.
I haven't heard Cardas Golden Reference SC in my system so no I can't, but I will say I think they are not as forward sounding as the Purist.
Personally I wouldn't hesitate to use Cardas GR SC as every system I've heard them in I liked their full copper sound without any of that lush/soft silver sparkle, a characteristic I prefer not to have in my system at this time.

Don't you sell any any 100% copper cables?
To my ears silver still sounds like silver.
how would you characterize the sonic differences between the Proteus Provectus and the Venustas?

Curious as well on these cables. Are they on the warm side ?
What are your speakers and amplifier ?
Did you also use their interconnects ?
