Listening chair suggestions

I now have a dedicated listening room and I am searching for just the right chair to place in the sweet spot. I'm considering a recliner or maybe one with an ottermen. I thought an ornate barbers chair might work but it seems difficult to transport. Suggestions are welcome.
I have a chair and ottoman from Ikea. It was $99 total, what a deal. Its comfortable and looks nice.
Probably the best way to go would be to get one of those medical chairs that doctors bolt your head into so it dosen't move. You'll get the sweet spot every time. If you go this way, though, it would probably be best to get gear that has remote comtrols.
I use leather recliners in my room. The only issue I know of is you want the back of the chair not be any higher that your shoulders other wise it will be like cupping your ears with your hands.