Power cable for Transport

Hi, I was wondering if it's worthwhile to spend a few buck on a power cord on a transport since it transfer only digital data.

I was using my power cord with my Cd player, now I bought a DAC, ans now I'm using it with the DAC, so I wonder if should get a power cord for the tranport.

thank you.
Putting a pair of $5 snap-on ferrite cores on a stocked power cord will be just as effective as an expensive audiophile power cable.
It would seem logical to expect that the biggest benefit of upgrading the power cord on a transport would be that the good quality shielding it presumably provides will prevent digital noise generated within the transport from radiating from the power cord into other parts of the system.

Depending on many unpredictable variables, in any particular application that may be most effectively accomplished by ferrite cores, by an inexpensive cable upgrade, by an expensive cable upgrade, or just by careful routing of cables and power cords. Experimentation in the particular system would seem to be the only way to tell.

-- Al
Noise supression and quieting are not the only characteristics of the power cords I mentioned... nor for that sort of money should one expect ONLY those aspects. IMO. A larger, blacker sound stage, more extension and better bass impact and resolution also come in the bargain.... and as well a noticeable smoothness across the frequency bandwidth occurs. The Python is the more dramatic of the two I posted above. The newer Python Helix vx isn't quite so velvety as the older (red) Python, and yields more resolution and a deeper set sound stage containing more rear of stage info. The red is more an up front presentation.

JPS Digital pc also is noteworthy for much less $$$. It will definitely reduce digital noise though not add those other features the VooDoo or Puython's do.

Personally, as was posted above, if I could find or had found a pc for under $100 which did the job, and that one may well do it, I'd post about it instead. I've not tried those however.

Again, there are outlets too you can replace your current ones with which will likely help too and Porter outlets are $36 ea.

Keeping the digital gear off the same ckt as the power gear should help too.
Marakanetz:These list at $1050.Please judge their performance,not the price.If not liked,they can be returned.