Power Cables which take the soundstage back

I have almost always focused on ICs and Spk Cables...but I always knew that Power chords also make a good difference. This is the first time I am venturing seriously into power chords. I am not looking for anything fancy. Primarily I see power chords should be doing the following:

a) Clean up the background noise (because of better shielding etc) which a stock chord would not be doing a good job at.

b) Provide good current capabilities which enables to make music denser, tones get more body and especially bass gets meatier and tighter (the last one normally happens more often)

These are primarily two things I am looking at.
I have tried some power chords in the near past and I have observed one common pattern:

1. Power chords which tighten up the bass (in comparison to stock chords) also bring the images a bit forward.

2. Some Power chords do a good job of taking the soundstage further back...I dont know how and why but I have seen it happening. Some of them end up presenting a bit loose bass in the process (only some of them)

So, for me at this point, a power chord which can take the soundstage back (without introducing anomalies like loose bass) would be a wonderful addition. Thats a very critical requirement for me. I am sure you guys would have experienced power chords which do such things. I am not intending to shell out more than $200 (new or used) at this point. Kindly suggest.
Stewie,you wasted your money buying the Lancers.The Valhalla cord can change mere tap water to fantastico vino.
I took the Pepsi challange with Valhalls and others against Synergistic Tesla PC's and it was no contest (in my system). The Teslas kicked butt.

Fortunately my dealer allowed me to audition every cable under the sun.

I recommend just that- audition everything you can and then, and only then, make your decision.
Shellie, I think you are missing the point of TP's post. Read up the string, it's sarcasism, lampooning those who try to justify buying ridiculously priced cables that go from an expensive power conditioner to a beautifully designed circuit, and say it effects the sound.
Are you / he listening for us all or is there room for those of us who have heard "expensive" powercords make a positive difference in our "expensive" systems? What if we also feel these positive differences were well worth the price? Are we allowed to listen and trust our senses or are we to trust in something/someone else?

Please let me know what we "should" do, oh and thanks in advance.