Is 75 ohm IC OK from AVR to subwoofer?

I am using a 3 meter (10 ft.) 75 ohm interconnect (Signal Cable brand) from my Denon 4308CI A/V receiver to a Velodyne DD-18 subwoofer. Is it OK to use the 75 ohm cable as an interconnect? Or will it

(1)Restrict the signal and negatively effect the sub's performance?

(2)Cause any problems in the AVR's or the sub's internal circuitry?

(3)Create any other problems?

Thanks for your help/ input.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdaddy0
Many thanks to you guys for your help in responding to my question. It not only got answered but I got some great info that will help in the future.

The amount of knowledge and expertise on this forum and people's willingness to share it is really amazing. Great stuff.

Kirkus - two more issues I know of:

- coupled noise (in addition to ground loops) will cause voltage drops (returning to earth ground) appearing as a signal (since shield is used as a return - bad practice)

- cable is most likely made of low quality copper silver plated since signal at very high frequencies travels on the surface only.