Power Cord Compairison - your thoughts?


I am in the process of changing some power cords on my equipment (amps solid state and pre amp tube - Herron). What are your thoughts on the following three relative to there sonic merits and system match. Thanks!

Audience e
Shunyata viper cx
Acoustic Zen Karakatoa
More good answers and as to the effects of the MIT/Transparent PC's, your take on them vs mine may vary slightly but when used appropriately they dull nothing down nor fatten anything up too much. Music seems to have great dynamic range without any glare or hardness plus a superiorly low noise floor. MIT Oracle AC 2 is for amps only and the Transparent seems to work exceptionally well on sources but can be used on any component.
Your better off cleaning the poor power coming in to your home with a decent conditioner.The power cord just brings it to your equipment like all the rest of the AC supply wiring.
There's no use spending extra money there.Here's a link on the subject. Link>>[http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/volume_11_4/feature-article-blind-test-power-cords-12-2004.html]
I also agree that The Cable Company would be your best bet in finding power cords that suite your system. I have had power cords from Audience (very good), Shunyata, Dream State, MIT, and others. In my all Synergistic Research system I choose the new Tesla power cords following Synergistic's excellent power cord to component matching advice.

As Dave_b and Blind Jim suggest, try before you buy.