Speaker cables where to begin?

I have a system I am comfortable with so far I believe the cables are the weakest link.

I am currently using transparent audio music wave cables in 15 foot length. Unfortunately, I can't go much shorter possibly 12 feet but that is stretching it.

My system consists of and Accuphase E-408 integrated amp, Transrotor Darkstar TT with JR arm (AKA jelco 750D) benz micro glider 2 Low output cartridge using the Accuphase AD-20 card. Other components are an Accuphase T100 tuner and Arcam DV29 for occasional CD listening.

Everything is run through a Richard gray 600 Pro. Interconnects are older straightwire.

I am not looking to spend a fortune on cables although I was thinking I should use a biwire terminated end for the speakers. I guess the question is what would do the best for my system 1st vs what is most economical improvement? Some day I am sure I will make other upgrades but for now I am looking at speaker cables and possibly power cords and what would do justice to my system.

I did notice an incredible improvement in CD sound quality with the addition of the RG 600. Should I expect an equal improvement from both TT and CD with speaker cables?

Try out some Anti-cables and know you can sell quickly if not in step with your system.They replaced Cardas Neutral Ref. here with Merlins and Mac,good luck,Bob
Try out some Morrow SP3s or SP4s... give them plenty, and I mean plenty, of time to breakin. He has a 60 day trial period, with money back.

I think you will be quite surprised at what you hear. I know I was. And very affordable new compared to many other cables.

I'm just a happy customer, no business affiliation with Morrow Audio.

:) listening,

Work you way into the Morrow SP4. You will not be dissapointed with the price to performance ratio at all. The trial period and trade up program works as well. I started with the 3 series and moved to the 4. Right out of the box they sound good but after they break in they sound great!
Usedcable.com's demo cables are already broken in. They carry almost every brand. The deposit can be applied to your purchase. They are a business after all. Why would they maintain a data base, risk lending you cables, and then have you purchase elsewhere? Put yourself in their shoes. Either that or randomly purchase and sell cables at various lengths and condition here on Audiogon, keep listening notes, and then hope the ones you liked in the length you need shows up in a timely fashion.