What's a good power cord for conrad-johnson CT5?

I've tried a Shunyata Taipan Helix,Shunyata Python CX and a PS Audio Statement. The Statement is warmer and preferrable to the Taipan and Python but I'd like to try a few others suggested by those who have some experience with the cords I've already tried or those who have a cj CT5. I love Shunyata snakes on my front end and main amp, but for some reason, the connie just doesn't like them. BTW, I have Thiel CS3.7 speakers and they're unforgiving.

Yes, it does. I'll take this opportunity to comment that I've a/b'd the original PC with three different brands and non have matched the massive soundstage created by the Shunyata Taipan. That aspect of sound is not as important to everyone, but it is to me. I'll be auditioning a Moray James PC next week...his digital cable is simply OUT OF THIS WORLD...so I thought I'd try the power cords. I'll try anything anyone out there wants to send me with no obligation. ;-) Wouldn't that be nice.
I have used the stock cord, Tekline Reference and currently use the Elrod Silver Statement cord. The Elrod can tend to make many components sound good however the stock cord is very good with the CT5. The main thing I found is that everyone says that the CT5 is broke in at 300 hours and I very much disagree and think it starts to open up and become way more organic at 850 hours. I now have 1500 hours on mine with the Elrod cord and it sounds pretty magic. I have never experienced Teflon caps. that can break in at 300 hours but some will disagree.

The longer I listen, the more I think you may be right abou the CT5's break in period. I'm just past 500 hours and, to my ears, it's still improving. So, your comment confirms what I'm hearing. It certainly was wretched out of the box and I think it's difficult to exaggerate what happens with teflon (though I have no technical understanding of the process). I would certainly NOT experiment with cords on this unit until at least 300 hours have passed.