What's a good power cord for conrad-johnson CT5?

I've tried a Shunyata Taipan Helix,Shunyata Python CX and a PS Audio Statement. The Statement is warmer and preferrable to the Taipan and Python but I'd like to try a few others suggested by those who have some experience with the cords I've already tried or those who have a cj CT5. I love Shunyata snakes on my front end and main amp, but for some reason, the connie just doesn't like them. BTW, I have Thiel CS3.7 speakers and they're unforgiving.

I'm already really enjoying my CT5 at only 550 hours. This is great news and information I wish I would've had about 2 months ago. I may start playing with powercords again in another few months. Thanks!
Well I might as well throw my 02 cents in. I've had my
CT-5 for a while now and have tried various power cords,
including the Purist Dominus, Telwire, TekLine Reference
and lately the BMI Hammerheard MK3 and MK4. Of that list
I really thought the BMI Hammerhead MK3 was an amazing
match for the CJ. My current MK4 cord is still breaking in
so I'll reserve judgment on that. The Tekline Reference is
also excellent and offers a lot bang for the buck.

I thought I'd post a final update on my quest for the right power cord. Now that the CT5 has more than 1500 hours and I've updated the tubes, I decided to try a fully broken-in Python CX. It's a winner. It doesn't change the CT5's character;it just enhances what I love about it. There is a greater three-dimensionality to the presentation, deeper soundstage and greater control of the bass....and all of these things were great to begin with. I'd also like to note that through this quest I learned that power cords should ONLY be auditioned after equipment is fully broken in and that swapping a power cord from one piece of equipment to the other confuses matters. (I know..duh). With the Shunyata line I've noticed that the addition of each new power cord creates an experience that is greater than the sum of the system's parts. One PC is great, two are more than twice as good. Three is stunning. It's synergy, I guess. Of course, YMMV.