Aether Audio Black Box or Nuforce Magic Cube ???

Has anyone tried these black boxes that you hook-up at the end of your speaker cables yet? A lot of raves on the forums.
Bi-wired you could still do one set (at the amps), but biamp'd you'd want as many black boxes as you have speaker leads. Revs have external crossovers with hi and low in/outs, so my BB's will be AFTER the crossovers (hence need 2 sets).
My 2 sets of BB's arrived the other day and I've let them settle in a bit. I'll be posting my full impressions later today over on Teajay's Aether Audio Black Box review...but suffice it to say..WTF!! WOW! Wonderful. It's as if the amp/speaker connection just got fused together, and the overall efficiency of the speakers just got a whole lot better. But more than that. The transient response is clearly improved. Harmonics, microdetail, ambient cues, air around instruments, and stealing from Teajay's vernacular..image density (the ability for images floating in space to take on more body, more palpability) all improved significantly...this is not subtle folks. I will say that the boxes, cold from UPS delivery, did seem to make my speakers (bass) feel almost overpowering at first....but that upper bass bloom settled out within 24 hours and is completely gone. Realize, there are slight ribbon dielectrics to be charged, and some capacitor break-in at work here.

Bob Smith, although now a close friend after all these years of working with him, never ceases to amaze me with his knowledge, his product value, and his simplified tackling of an issue up till know unbeknownst to most of this case..the highly ineffective signal path and feedback loop of an amp and its speakers. And I use Remote Sense cables, which monitor that feedback loop. Still, my changes were noticeable on first note!

For the amps: Spectron Musician III Mark 2 monoblocks, my speakers are Bob's SP Tech Revelation MRI Mark 3's with external Mundorf crossovers. The BB's go between the crossovers and the speakers.
" When you think that the Bybee's retail for $4500.00 a pair compared to $500.00 for Bob's Boxes, "

Please, no misleading!

I don;t know what tweak is better but regarding the price:

1 Bybee you quoted are "Super Effect Bybee"
2 Its the set of four
3 Super Effect reduces signal smearing in time domain which you can hear as improvment in three-dimensionality

I have the Magic Cubes from Nuforce and have been very happy with them they really have brought my system together>. Nice buy!
Worldcat, would you be nice enough to share some details regarding what the Magic Cubes did in your system to improve its overall performance. Thanks in advance.