So Many Choices - PCords for Digital Sources?

I know there are many threads on Power Cords and how to choose them. I am trying to make the best decision on replacing the stock PC's on 3 of my digital sources. They include:

Oppo BDP 83 Blu Ray Player
Arcam DV 139 Multi Player
Benchmark DAC 1

Here are the factors most important to me in the decision:

Cost - Good value for quality on PC ($100-250 range)

Quality - PC will make my equipment better sounding, lower noise floor on digital equipment, quality made

Sound Improvement - PC that will improve the overall sound of my system

Other equipment in my system includes the following:

ATI 3007 7 Channel Amp - 300W
Integra DTC 9.9 Processor
Usher BE 718 Monitors - Front & Rears
Usher BE Center Channel
60" Pioneer Elite Plasma

All plugged into a PS Audio Power Plant Premier Conditioner
Dedicated 20 Amp Circuit for electronics and Video only

Any Suggestions on Power Cords based on my criteria above? My goal is to have a great sounding system at a reasonable price. No $1,000 PC's on a $599 dollar player.


Try some PS Audio Power Punch cords.A ton of improvement over stock cords and a very resonable price.

I use a couple on my BDP 83. A few in fact, from time to time. Nirvana digital pc, VD power III, Voodoo Black Dragon, or Taipan Helix. Of them I usually prefer the Nirvana on the Oppo.

Again, on the BC DAC 3 I use either a Taipan HA, or a Voodoo Tesla II, Depending on mood and application.

I'd like to have a couple more pc's actually.

Personally, I'd remove that amp from the PSA cond, if it isn't already... and run the balance of the gear on it. Sources, proc, TV.

Depending on which approach you require for a pc here or therre, the smoother sounding ones IMO are the Black Dragon, & Nirvana. the more dynamic ones would be the Gold dragons, Tesla II and Taipan HA.

IMHO Smooth = softer leading edge yet still having impact ... just not quite so sharpened.

IMHO Dynamic = Sharper leading edge and tighter more propulsive presentation..

All are refined and quite listenable without listener fatigue. Save for the Vooddo Tesla II, all are in the $300s preowned or less. The vD P III goes for less than $125 most of the time. It's a nice cord but that's about it. it's also a bit unwieldy. Stiff and heavy. All the other's are very light and quite easy to manage.

the voodoo Gold dragon & Tesla ii surpass the $300-400 range, with the TESLA ii running around $500 used. I’ve had mine for sometime now and been well pleased even with several component changes along the way.

Which cord you choose to use where is important. I’d say the supply cord feeding that Premier cond is your more important one. I use an Elrod Sig III for power items, and a Python VX for digital stuff usually. My dac comes off the Elrod supplied Haley though. My proc goes right off the wall outlet’s dedicated ckt.

One last bit… there maybe pcs under 300 that might help you out, but I never did find any that were of any great significance. I had to mmove into those I have now and buy carefully. The VA Airsine is reportedly a quite nice pc but they’re hard to get preowned, which might say something too as they go like Voodoo cables… FAST… and run in the high 400s or better.

Good luck.
Power cords are the last thing you should ever worry about.Especially for home theater have you tried room treatments,speaker placement,getting cables of the ground.I have a very expensive system and bought into the power cord thing not really any difference for the money. Yes they look better big deal.Most of your equipment is not capapble of drawing enough current to really need a bigger power cord. Even the cheapest cords that come with equipment are capable of 20 amp current capacity .Also since you have dedicated lines which is a great upgrade you will hear no difference I cant believe our industry this is one of the downfalls which i think is part of the demise of hi end.I have worked in the hi end idustry for 20 years and i dont sell power cords.In fact if you ask most desighners they recomend you stick with their supplied cord. I use a cat ultimate preamp the desighner Ken Stevens says in the manuel not to use other power cords because it can effect the sound in a negative way. Save your money buy a turntable and a nice preamp,integrated Primaluna, Vincent, Pathos great products and not expensive and seperate two channel from your home theater in the same room. The preamp section in a Integra piece is not optimized for music. You have got a great dac. The bench is one of the best values in audio.You actually arent hearing what it is capable of with your current setup Im not trying to be rude Ati and Itegra are great for theater but not for music.I also like the Usher speakers to you need to hear how they would sound in a good two channel setup. You hear that home theater will be your second love.