So Many Choices - PCords for Digital Sources?

I know there are many threads on Power Cords and how to choose them. I am trying to make the best decision on replacing the stock PC's on 3 of my digital sources. They include:

Oppo BDP 83 Blu Ray Player
Arcam DV 139 Multi Player
Benchmark DAC 1

Here are the factors most important to me in the decision:

Cost - Good value for quality on PC ($100-250 range)

Quality - PC will make my equipment better sounding, lower noise floor on digital equipment, quality made

Sound Improvement - PC that will improve the overall sound of my system

Other equipment in my system includes the following:

ATI 3007 7 Channel Amp - 300W
Integra DTC 9.9 Processor
Usher BE 718 Monitors - Front & Rears
Usher BE Center Channel
60" Pioneer Elite Plasma

All plugged into a PS Audio Power Plant Premier Conditioner
Dedicated 20 Amp Circuit for electronics and Video only

Any Suggestions on Power Cords based on my criteria above? My goal is to have a great sounding system at a reasonable price. No $1,000 PC's on a $599 dollar player.


Do some research, narrow your choices down to 3 or 4 cables, then find dealers who will loan them to you for an audition. That is the ONLY way to know for sure.
i've been very happy with all my ps audio pc's. currently running perfect wave pc's...2 ac-10's, 2 ac-5's and just picked up 2 ac-3's. well made line's imo that match up nice with my quintet and pwt/pwd. use the ac-5's for the transport and dac and did notice an improvement in sound stage along with bottom end punch.

Ron @ Liquid Hi-Fi recommended them a while back and i'm glad he did. first for my power supply then ps audio gear. now i've got everything running on them.
They sure do like to make a lot of money.The power cord suppliers that is.What more can they do than one of these? Its shielded too.[]
I've had good results with SignalCable power cords on digital sources and preamps, PS Audio on amps.