PC: KS Elation, Elrod or Stealth?

I use the Elrod PC EPS 2S and 3S on my system(Puccini, Soulution pre and amps), and I want to upgrade, and it´s imposible for me to hear these cables in the same system, almost imposible to demo in Europe the Elrod Signature or Statement gold, I ask your help, the other two cables are: Kubala Sosna Elation and Stealth dream. Thanks
I agree with Mert. If powercords change your sound so much, you either have a problem with your system or the powercords act as equalizers somehow...

It seems to me that you agree with Mert's first post but not his secord post. In his second post, he stated that on his dCS Puccini he was happy with some power cords but some other power cords were "so so", "No Chance", or "No Way". Apparently, he noticed that power cords can make a big difference.

Given the high quality of his components, it doesn't appear that something is wrong with his system. The same can be said about the components in your system and mine. So, a big difference must be in the kind and quality of electricity the power cord delivers to the component. As a conduit for the flow of electrons, the power cord could degrade or enhance that quality. One way of enhancing the quality of AC is to reduce the noise that rides on the AC stream. Generally, the more noise you reduce, the greater the signal to noise ratio; resulting in clearer and more resolving sonic presentation. The improvement can be as startling as seeing the difference between a VHS and High Definition video.

I strongly prefer harmonic textures that are not contaminated with EMI/RFI noise. Fortunately, some power cord manufacturers, like David Elrod, are incorporating more effective noise-reducing technology into their designs. There is nothing more convincing than hearing first hand how great of an effect EMI/RFI have on your audio system. I am not affiliated with the Elrod company. I found the Elrod Statement Gold to be one of two outstanding power cords that were head and shoulders above all others I heard. The other outstanding cord was the Nordost Odin, which was 2 to 3 times more expensive than the Statement Gold.

When I bought Krell, I knew it should be directly plugged to AC. I did exactly what factory said, but, I bought an audiophile grade 5KW line AC regulator for entire setup or the line which feeds all living room. Than I changed every fuse to audiophile grade KlangModul(german made) 16-20-32amp. I was not satisfied and changed all of thermic magnetic main circuit breakers of my home and entire building to French Made Merlingerin. (Group Schneider)
It was not enough than I made re-earth grounding of entire building.(than I changed the protection relays of the building again) Lastly, I changed wall outlets to Furutech (FT-SWS (R) Rhodium Plated Non-magnetic pure copper conductors and Carbon fiber finished front plate)in order to feed Isotek Nova and Krell Evo 402. Being honestly, I thought I could change internal wires to Oyaide Tunami bulk but decided to do so later on.
I think I have done enough for clean and uninterrupted electric.( suppose I don't have power filters and cords....)


Congratulations on recognizing that every aspect of the electrical system can influence the sonic presentation. You obviously have an open mind and are willing to experiment. I've been chasing the electrical culprits for the past two decades. Having dedicated lines is not enough. I've worked with my dealer (Rainwater Audio, 843-665-6113) on a number of other improvements. I use the Oyaide R1 wall outlet with the WPZ wall plate and filters (parallel and peizzo electric). I also have the Oyaide R1 outlets on my Pure Power 2000 re-generator. Pure Power puts out a constant 120V/60Hz stream and does not limit the current. Experiments have shown that the AC current converted out of its battery is actually greater than what comes out of the wall. Dampening the vibrations of the electrical system (in the circuit box, at the wall, and on the PCs) further improves the sonics.

And yet, with all of these upgrades, the Elrod Statement Gold power cords made a big difference in my system on every component. How can this be??? 1) RFI originating outside and inside the house is in the air and gets into power cords that are not sufficiently protected from this noise. 2) The components can generate RFI/EMI and pass it on to other components. 3) Some appliances generate noise which gets to the audio components. With a little bit of work, it's not difficult to verify these observations about the effect of RFI/EMI on the electrical system (as well as on interconnects and speaker cables).

For me, the audio forums have been a valuable source of information contributed by audiophiles and a platform for sharing my observations. Thank you for sharing your observations.
Mert and Argyro,

I respect and appreciate your thoughts, your experience, and your perspectives. And I cannot add much to Puremusic's statements, except to say - once again - that the proof is in the listening, for me. If you ever have a chance to listen with an Elrod Statement Gold in your system (or maybe with his other latest generation cords...I have no experience with them), you may be as blown away as I was. I too have made all sorts of changes to improve the quality of the power to my system over 40 years of being an audiophile. I also have used the Elrod Signature cords and many others over the years. NOTHING, however, prepared me for the diffence I heard when I inserted the Statement Gold into my system. In fact, I might even say it is the single biggest improvement I've ever made to my system.

Just my perspective and experience, of course. I do not want to be disrespecttul at all ! Having said that, though, I cannot help but laugh when you say that something is wrong with my system. Isn't the point to be enthralled and love the music so much that you want to keep on listening? And isn't an effect on that a good thing ?!

Up-to-date Exemplar modified Denon 3910 CD player
CTC Blowtorch pre-amp
Jeff Rowland 302 amp
Rockport Antares
Elrod Signature power cords and a Statement Gold
Elrod speaker cables
Cerious Technologies ICs
Walker Velocitor
Custom built equipment racks
other tweaks, room treatments, etc.
Jfz I do not disagree with your findings...You say they provide clean power, I say that through overdumping or overshielding or oversomething anyway they act as equalizers. Not to mention the possibility of active or passive components in them...

PAD cables are horrible in my opinion for the same reason, they change your sound so so much.