I agree with Mert. If powercords change your sound so much, you either have a problem with your system or the powercords act as equalizers somehow...Argyro,
It seems to me that you agree with Mert's first post but not his secord post. In his second post, he stated that on his dCS Puccini he was happy with some power cords but some other power cords were "so so", "No Chance", or "No Way". Apparently, he noticed that power cords can make a big difference.
Given the high quality of his components, it doesn't appear that something is wrong with his system. The same can be said about the components in your system and mine. So, a big difference must be in the kind and quality of electricity the power cord delivers to the component. As a conduit for the flow of electrons, the power cord could degrade or enhance that quality. One way of enhancing the quality of AC is to reduce the noise that rides on the AC stream. Generally, the more noise you reduce, the greater the signal to noise ratio; resulting in clearer and more resolving sonic presentation. The improvement can be as startling as seeing the difference between a VHS and High Definition video.
I strongly prefer harmonic textures that are not contaminated with EMI/RFI noise. Fortunately, some power cord manufacturers, like David Elrod, are incorporating more effective noise-reducing technology into their designs. There is nothing more convincing than hearing first hand how great of an effect EMI/RFI have on your audio system. I am not affiliated with the Elrod company. I found the Elrod Statement Gold to be one of two outstanding power cords that were head and shoulders above all others I heard. The other outstanding cord was the Nordost Odin, which was 2 to 3 times more expensive than the Statement Gold.