PC: KS Elation, Elrod or Stealth?

I use the Elrod PC EPS 2S and 3S on my system(Puccini, Soulution pre and amps), and I want to upgrade, and it´s imposible for me to hear these cables in the same system, almost imposible to demo in Europe the Elrod Signature or Statement gold, I ask your help, the other two cables are: Kubala Sosna Elation and Stealth dream. Thanks
Regarding my last post, I do not try to tell that powercords make no difference, yes, it makes difference in positive way, but there are always trade offs. If result is a jaw dropping, or night or day, hell or paradise, then, it means something wrong(not matched) particular electronics.
Almost all of us use some powercords, expensive, cheap, gold, copper, silver based but the purpose must be only slightly changing the taste but not overall presentation.
If result is a jaw dropping, or night or day, hell or paradise, then, it means something wrong(not matched) particular electronics.
Mert, Among other things, it could *also* mean that the specific technology designed into the power cord to reduce EM/RFI noise is working *very* effectively.

Besides your previous post's suspicion about the owner's ears, you are insisting that mismatch is the only explanation for large sonic differences that power cords can make. Perhaps there is a semantic issue here in what you mean by mismatch.....what you would include under that term. According to what you mean by mismatch, would you agree that it's also possible to have a "mismatch" between the contaminated AC and the electronic components? If you agree that such mismatch is possible, then would you agree that it's possible to significantly improve this mismatch by reducing that contaminating noise sufficiently?
Pure Music, there are many things that count when making a good power cable! RFI, EMF protection, vibration control, the material of the conductor etc! Even cable makers admit that if using too much or too little protection against those things changes the sound making it darker, brighter etc.! So in a say yes, they act as equalizers! For example there are people that believe that all power cables should be completely unshielded! ;)

I am not against power cables I just think that most of them are tuning tweaks!

Happy Listening

As much as we speak, we learn something from each other I guess. Normaly, I don't speak very detailed and choose rounded words if someone asks me about a specific component and cables. The reason is doing that is everybody has own brain and ear reference. Plus, I don' hesitate to tell you that I am not a hardcore Audiophile.
However, beginning from early childhood, I have passion towards electronics. Since both is sticked to each other, that's why I am here. Plus, I do own a proaudio system and like to play as DJ. This enabled me have experience a lot. (combining Hi-End and Proaudio, specialy filters and interconnects, powercords.)
I will cut the chase short: Powercords must be last thing you may deal as long as you setup a system.

''According to what you mean by mismatch, would you agree that it's also possible to have a "mismatch" between the contaminated AC and the electronic components? If you agree that such mismatch is possible, then would you agree that it's possible to significantly improve this mismatch by reducing that contaminating noise sufficiently?''

Well, as I said, before reducing EM/RFI, we need to match electronics and speaker, then interconnects, speaker cables. You can't know what is missing or more unless you plug directly to wall with stock cords.
In addition, the voltage must come before the contaminated AC.
I will cut the chase short: Powercords must be last thing you may deal as long as you setup a system.......before reducing EM/RFI, we need to match electronics and speaker, then interconnects, speaker cables........the voltage must come before the contaminated AC.
Mert, I totally agree with all these statements. In the last 18 months I completely upgraded my system. I first changed my amp and speakers. The Boulder 2060 amp replaced the Jadis JA80 mono blocks. And the Wilson Maxx2 replaced the Watt/Puppy/WHOW. I have heard the Maxx2/Boulder 2060 combination in 3 different rooms. It's an excellent combo. Next, I had my APL HiFi NWO-2.5T digital upgraded to the NWO-3.0SE (20DACs per channel, tube output stage,etc.). Then I upgraded my Kubala-Sosna Emotion interconnects and speaker cables to the Kubala-Sosna Elation series and replaced my Sound Application RLS AC conditioner with the Pure Power 2000 re-generator. The Pure Power puts out a constant 120 volts with a very pure 60Hz sine wave. All my components performed better through Pure Power than going directly to the wall. Next, I replaced the Elrod Statement power cords with his Statement Gold and was shocked how my excellent sounding system was transformed into a phenomenal one. Then I replaced my Critical Mass Systems (CMS) Grand Master Black label platforms to the CMS QXK racks. Next, I installed the Nordost QX4 in the system and upgraded my NWO again to 4.0SE version. With the new system complete, I retested my choices and configuration to see if the recent changes affected my previous choices. Finally, I tweaked the system with a few tweaks. It's been an educational experience. Information exchanges on the audio forums has been helpful. Good luck with your sonic adventures.