If result is a jaw dropping, or night or day, hell or paradise, then, it means something wrong(not matched) particular electronics.Mert, Among other things, it could *also* mean that the specific technology designed into the power cord to reduce EM/RFI noise is working *very* effectively.
Besides your previous post's suspicion about the owner's ears, you are insisting that mismatch is the only explanation for large sonic differences that power cords can make. Perhaps there is a semantic issue here in what you mean by mismatch.....what you would include under that term. According to what you mean by mismatch, would you agree that it's also possible to have a "mismatch" between the contaminated AC and the electronic components? If you agree that such mismatch is possible, then would you agree that it's possible to significantly improve this mismatch by reducing that contaminating noise sufficiently?