Cable Elevators - What do you use?

In the search for cable elevators I have found a wide variety of opinions, not only on what constitutes a scientifically smart elevator, but also, those who think it is all snake oil.

I use inverted yogurt cups spray painted flat black for maximum WAF on the speaker cables - should I be using them on power cables as well?

What do you use, or . . . .why not?
Puerto, I use Cable Elevators in my rig and "Yes" they do make a difference for me. It helped to smooth out the sound and took juuust a bit of edge from the responce too, and for me I heard the difference right away. I'm also thinking of incorperating some Shunyadas into the mix just to get the best of bot worlds. If anyone has (or is doing this now) please let me know what you think.
Tpreaves. More accurately, I noticed a difference. I didn't notice any 'problem' before the tweak. After using the string tweak I noticed slightly higher SPL level at the same volume-dial setting. So, I interperted that as something masking the without-the-tweak sound that I labled background 'noise' for lack of a more objective description.
The placebo effect works very well with this type of tweak..I want to hear the difference so it must be there?
I picked Cable Isolator ESD's because they can be stacked permitting me to run multiple levels to organize and separate the cables behind and around the stands. I have herds of "Dust Bunnies" that roam around the area of the speaker cables and the elevated cables make it easier to round em up.
This is "one more thing I've wanted to do" that is now done, moving the system one step farther along the path.
The more "I wonder if that would make a difference" things I eliminate the more relaxed I find myself resulting in more enjoyable listening sessions.
I have some Mapleshade which are basically 3 cylindrical pieces of wood and a wood ring that looks somewhat reminiscent of a napkin ring that fit together in the manner of a tepee with the cable on top. Not outstandingly stable so I just artistically drape my Golden Reference over the equipment racks so they don't touch the floor. My tweak license was suspended for life years ago so don't bother turning me in.