To bi-wire or not to bi-wire?

I have a pair of B&W 804 Nautilus speakers. They are currently bi-wired with Kimber 8TC cables. I am going to upgrade the cables and was curious as to whether there is a significant difference in sound with bi-wiring. Most of the cables for sale on Audiogon are not bi-wired. If I stay with the bi-wired cables it narrows the field for some good used cables.
Agreed, It has to do with the crossover and not all speakers with two sets of binding posts are designed for bi-wiring. However, I believe your B&W 804 Nautilus do benefit from bi-wiring.
>>04-02-10: Irvrobinson
Bi-wiring makes no difference at all, unless you're using cables with a gauge of wire too small for the length and speaker impedance<<

April Fool's right?
>>04-02-10: Irvrobinson
Bi-wiring makes no difference at all, unless you're using cables with a gauge of wire too small for the length and speaker impedance<<

Note the date. True every day except, perhaps, April 1.

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