KCI Pure Gold and the benefits

Hi Guys just wanted to share my new love for the majic of pure gold interconnects. Ive been through the paces of tring different mid to high grade interconnects in my system and finally tried pure gold. Now the price does vary significantly from pure gold cable to pure gold cable, I picked up the KCI and have really loved what gold did for my modest system compared to pure silver, flat ribbon and tons of different copper. I have read the white papers about silver being a better conductor and even some on why gold is more pleasing to the ear. I feel that gold is more coherent top to bottom than silver but noticed many of my audio friends are using silver still. What is the general feeling and use here amongst guys with the high end of equipment? Are you using gold and does it get even better with higher end equipment?
You're right, now that I recall he did mention that at one point earlier on.

Maybe I'll stay put like a good little doggy and be happy.

My inner thoughts tell me to check it out anyway !

Hey now, I think we all know that I invented the internet and that I DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH THAT WOMAN! Seriously though, He's just yanking your chain Rx8, he is actually a super nice guy but quite the smart aleck as well and he'll freely admit that!

ArtS is correct; from our testing we found that our good friend "the point of diminishing returns" shows up right around 20-22 a.w.g. or so. We have tried the different gauges(within reason) and found that it just doesn't get much better than 22 gauge but, if you have a seriously deep wallet, a mega buck system and a slight case of mental illness(in a good way of course) then maybe, maybe 20 a.w.g. But the cost just gets astronomical after that, or at least it does IMHO. I guess we all have our limits.

I do have to admit that rather than just offering an improvement in one area or another upgrading to the larger gauge improves the sound from bottom to top; more meat, more depth, more air etc. Like you all have discovered and said; "it's like Silkworms on steroids and is just more of everything". Now Rx8man my friend, whether going from 24 to 22 will be an improvement you consider worth the price of admission I cannot say. There will be an improvement you would be able to hear but, is it worth the cost in your case? That's hard to say and most likely only you can answer that one. Though I haven't personally had the priveledge of giving your system a listen I've heard that it is quite nice and you seem to be happy with it so, if I was you I'd stay right where I'm at, at least for now anyways.... :)

And just to clarify, I/KCI have actually been around since 1999 just not much of a presence(and I'm still not!! lol.).

Best to all,
Hi everyone, just recieved my Silkworm SE XLR 22ga.cables with furutech rhodium connecters.

These are John's updated edition (first ones) using larger diameter teflon tubing to give the thicker wire more air space.

First off, these cables are made very well and are serialized, no DIY look here. Nice touch, John!

Once they break in, I will be comparing them to Crystal Cable Connects, which I use with Gabriel Gold Raptures.
Hopefully, there will have good synergy with the Gabriel's.

I'm listening the them as I'm writing, quick assessment one word smooth. Really nice tone the leading edge is a little rounded should get better after some hours. The trailing edge fades very naturally with alot of air.

These cables let you relax and enjoy the music.
Once I get a couple hundred hours on them I will report back.
Bye the way the Crystal Cables sounded broken at first listen, so I think these will sing great, because the sound is already very good.

John is a really good guy with excellent customer

Thanks, John
Should be receiving my Silkworm SE RCAs today. Will make for a nice weekend of listening.

John, may you and yours - all in harms way - remain safe riding out the approaching storm.