Cable confusion and questions.

First let me say that I have gone back and read a lot of the cable threads and am now more confused than ever.There are so many cable recommendations and types that most of it doesn't make sense.I have gone on the various websites mentioned here with a number of brands and have narrowed down what I need but would like a little more info and suggestions.I have looked at the blue jeans cable(belden or canare),morrow cable(sp2),clear day,kimber(8tc),signal cable,goertz alpha core,mit(avt3)and monster cable.Can someone explain in English any differnces in these cable and suggest something for my system I am getting. which is an Integra 9.9 receiver and Paradigm studio speakers.Thanks for any help.
I second Byroncunningham Kimber suggestion; I used Kimber with an Onkyo TX-NR 905 and thought they worked well together.
I've had years of listening experience with the Kimber 8TC and found it to be a fine cable. However, I quickly sold them once I heard the JPS Labs Ultraconductor which goes for the same price used. The JPS sounded more open, detailed and the highs more refined and smoother without loss of detail and the bass more defined.
As someone said earlier in this post, much of this is subjective, and component dependent.
Trial and error with used cables that have good resale value is the way to find what you like.
Also, The Cable Company 'rents' cables for you to try in your own system and is worth exploring.
Regardless of whether or not you might ultimately find a cable that you can clearly hear the benefit of over another cable, you have to start somewhere and establish a baseline for your considerations.

It makes sense to start with something well-regarded but inexpensive and just listen for awhile until you know your system very well, then begin to explore as your interest moves you and your budget allows.

The Blue Jeans and Signal cables are a great place to start, or buy some Canare 4s11 or 4s8 cable in bulk and terminate yourself or use it bare wire. Then keep an eye out for a good used price on something you can A/B with your baseline and resell if any difference isn't worth it to you.
Thanks for the responses and suggestions guys.I am very open to buying used cables but just trying to avoid the hassles of trying a lot of different cables and spending a bunch of time and money in the process.I'm a set it and forget it kind of person and like to do things the right way once and be done with it.I will continue to rearch some of the suggestions made and look over the cables for sale.Thanks again.
As ones system components improve the difference between cables will be more noticeable.