Grover Huffhman Sx

Anyone else using them? Would you offer me your impressions so that I might also have some others to judge against? I now have approx. 77 hrs. on mine and they continue to impress me, I know they will continue to open up more but thru this stage in changes they are amazing with the differences that I'm hearing when I listen to music that I that I am so intimately farmiliar with but, now hear nuances, textures, even better layering that had been hidden or masked before that now I do hear, for ex. I was listening to "White Witch" and the difference in tonal body, bass extention, decay and performance width & depth far surpassed anything I've heard prior on this CD. Yes, I do know this personally subjective from my listening judgement but, then again my ears don't throw a blanket over notes or vocal shadings that I hadn't heard before either. Grover's cables (I also use his "Silver Ribbon" speaker cables) have been one of the most cost effective and rewarding upgrades I've made with my system and no, I have no affliation or connection to Grover in any way other than being very satisifed with his commitment to offering great affordable products. That being said I look forward to the impression of others comparing my base line.
I think I will try some of his interconnects ESPECIALLY if they call a spade a spade.

Poorly recorded music should be reproduced as poorly recorded music, not sugar coated.
If you like cables that colour the sound and bring everything down to thier level of resolution, how can you ever appreciate the quality recordings?

If you can't tell quality recordings from poor ones, then what's the point?
If you need balanced, I have an extra pair I could sell you. Also, selling a set of Grover's speaker cables for bi-wire or tri-wire speakers(ad here on Agon). They are really great for the price. I haven't heard anything as good at near the price. Cheers,

Grover Huffman's cables are the most underrated cables -- at any price -- that I have ever heard.
Lacee, Have no fear if it's recorded poorly that's just what you're going to hear and have I found that as I've revisted some of my collection when I listen. Grover's cables don't "tune" they are very netural.
Unfortunately I need RCA connections,and about 5m from source to the Lightspeed.Then only about 1.5 from it to the amps.

At the moment I am using 5m Art Audio cables with upgraded(but not fancy) RCA ends, and 1.5 Nordost Heimdal to the amps.

I have been contemplating either replacing the RCA on the Audio Art cables to the carbon Furtech and keeping the Nordost in the link or going all the way with the Grovers.

The Audio Art cables sound improved when I replaced the stock connectors and I've had great success with all the Furtech parts I used in the past so I was leaning in this direction.

It's great to hear that the Grovers are "neutral" or at least not as coloured as some other cables can be.

My question would then be if the Grovers are more neutral than the Audio Art cables? Anyone compared the two?
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